ACDA Midwestern Region

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska,

North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin

A message from MWACDA President, Derrick Fox

I am deeply honored to begin my term as the new President of MWACDA. I am looking forward to serving our wonderful region and bringing our choral communities even closer together. We will be sharing valuable choral resources to support and nurture the love of choral music throughout our region in addition to creating a wonderful conference that will reflect the choral excellence of our region.

A heartfelt thank you to David Puderbaugh and the past MWACDA board for their dedication and hard work. Their contributions have laid a strong foundation for us to build upon. In the coming weeks, I will be sharing more about the members of the 24 – 26 MWACDA leadership team.

I know there is a big question in everyone’s mind: Where is the next conference? We are very close to being able to share the magnificent city that will host us.

Let us embrace the journey ahead of us. “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Here is your first assignment as we work together:

Help me create a youtube playlist featuring composers from around our region. Please drop a link to a piece in the comments!

Here’s to a harmonious and successful future!

2022 Midwestern ACDA Award Recipients