I have been involved in ACDA since I was a college student when I served as a student assistant for our state’s summer conference. Since then, I have held several different positions and served in a variety of roles, and it is always a pleasure for me to give back to the organization that has afforded me so many opportunities, resources, and friends. Amid the sometimes mundane tasks of our daily professional lives, ACDA helps remind me of what is most important in the work we do and shapes my ever-evolving approach to directing choirs. I look forward to serving the Midwestern Region in this role to assist with our collective search for the best repertoire and other resources for the large number of those in our organization who direct school and youth choirs.
Lyn Bouma
It is my pleasure to join the executive team for MWACDA. My growth as a choral director is
directly tied to my membership in ACDA. 20+ years on the Nebraska Choral Directors Board in
various R&R and executive committee roles allowed me to serve and lead at the state level,
working to expand offerings for our members and their students. Taking my students to honor
choirs at regional and national ACDA conferences provided them with expanded musical
opportunities. While national conferences are great, It has been my experience that the regional
conferences are where our members really connect, lead, and shine. It was my privilege to have
choirs invited to perform twice as featured choirs and twice as demonstration choirs for the
NCACDA conferences. Having served on the planning committee for two NCACDA conferences,
as well as the program chair for the 2024 MWACDA conference, I look forward to continuing to
serve our “new” combined region as the membership chair.